Wednesday 28 April 2010

Back to the blogging

Sorry - not been keeping up with the diary for a bit - it's all been a bit hectic.
Where are we.
Right - today saw a return to the full morning set routine, been off it a bit lately, partly due to an attack of life and partly due to nursing an ankle strain - but completed it all today - which was good. There was also progress on the bicep curls - it's been a struggle to get back to lifting what I was before the break.
What else have I been doing since the last post?

There has been one run - but I pulled up at 2k due to the ankle and walked home - have been experimenting with different measurement techniques as whilst the program I was following was good for getting me going, concentrating to much on running a certain length of time was starting to be non-productive. So currently I run distances (to the first crossing, walk the short bit of pavement, then to the second crossing - this works out 2-3 mins each), then running to songs/distance/till I get fed up. Songs work well - as noted in my previous post, will see how training goes tonight and maybe try a run on friday.

Training tonight - that would be jitsu as boxing is not running due to Varsity (the annual swansea/cardiff showdown in everything...except the sports I actually do). It's my first time at jitsu without the other half, so am a little nervous but fairly confident I'll be ok. I have now done breakfalls in all four directions without actually destroying myself, which is a good start. I'm missing boxing a lot though and can't wait for next wednesday (I've been away at weekends and therefore unable to go on saturdays :( )

In addition to the above there was also a martial arts day on Sunday - Evolution, 500 years of hand to hand combat, hosted by the English Martial Arts Academy. First let me give my thanks to all the tutors - Neil in Fiore (and for the best description of Fiore I have ever heard), Milo in Pugilism and James in Commando Mentalism. All three workshops were very good - a chance to learn some new skills, and practice ones I already have picked up. I was the only female training at the start of the day, joined by one more a little later; but I don't think I let the side down too much.

So - all in all things are going fairly well - I think.

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